intensive GROUND analysis

An exhaustive analysis is completed with any discovered anomalies noted and photographed for your consideration and to optionally forward to your preferred A&P/IA at your discretion for repairs prior to your own scheduled flight.

Stay better informed about what is happening while your aircraft sits and/or choose to have a qualified FAA certificated pilot fly it on a schedule.

I am meticulously thorough and this can take 1-2 hours depending on the aircraft complexity. Diligent scrutiny is applied.

documented FLIGHT

If your aircraft qualifies, you may prefer this option as to better ensure your airplane and engine are not left to sit.

All documented flights are accompanied by ADS-B track logs plus flight photographs so you may see the aircraft pre-and-post flight including securement at your home airport after completion of flight.

A summarized briefing of the flight is shared with you along with any anomalies experienced which may indicate a need for maintenance or attention, greatly assisting you to resolve a concern prior to your own scheduled flight.


Anomalies are accompanied by pictures and/or video for your review after completion of service.

These may be forwarded to your A&P/IA for immediate attention at your discretion in an effort to stay ahead of any potential concerns that can multiply in severity over time. We often work directly with your preferred A&P/IA, at your request, to forward concerns or issues to address while keeping you in the loop.

My attention to detail is reflected in my extensive ground analysis.

what I do

I am a pilot and sole owner of a complex, turbo, high-performance, single engine aircraft who helps other aircraft owners with their needs. From logistics, to dedicated service, flight supplies, and accessories, Airplane Caretaker has you covered.

Whether you’re a snow bird who leaves your airplane here, or if you live here but don’t fly during the hot summer months, Airplane Caretaker can also help you.

View my portfolio for more details.

who I help

Aircraft owners who:

1) May not fly their airplane enough and want to better ensure it is ready for their own upcoming flight.

2) Do not want their aircraft sitting and may want a trusted and qualified pilot to fly it on occasion. Flying 1-2 times per month is not enough.

3) Would like an active certificated pilot to scrutinize every detail in between their own flights.

4) Would like flight supplies and accessories delivered to your airplane or hangar.

what I Don’t do

I do not make repairs. I observe and report so you may make a decision on getting the repair performed prior to your own scheduled flight.

I can optionally work with your preferred A&P/IA to help ensure your airplane is ready from a methodical caretaking and pilot’s perspective.

This service does not replace the need for your own pre-flight or airworthiness inspection at any time.

how it works

Each Airplane Caretaker experience is tailored to suit the needs of you and your airplane.

You and I will typically meet at your airplane to review your completed enrollment form and discuss your specific preferences and goals. The initial consultation takes about one hour.

To get started, contact me directly so I may send the available services menu and initial enrollment form to begin your Airplane Caretaker experience.

Are you flying your airplane enough?

Read what engine manufacturers say about frequency of flight

…The best method for preventing corrosion of the cylinders and other internal parts of the engine is to fly the aircraft at least once per week, long enough for the engine to reach normal operating temperatures and oil temperatures in the range of 170° to 210° Fahrenheit that will “Boil” out most of the moisture and other by-products of combustion.”

Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.

…Engines that are flown occasionally deteriorate much more rapidly than those that fly consistently. Pilots have asked, ‘What really happens to an engine when it’s flown only one or two times per month?’ An aircraft engine flown this infrequently usually accumulates rust and corrosion internally. This rust and corrosion are often found when an engine is torn down.”

Lycoming Engines

There’s No Engine Corrosion in Arizona


“Corrosive attack can occur in engines that are flown only occasionally regardless of geographical location.”

“Water vapor and steam occurs after the engine begins to cool. Condensation forms on the inside of the aluminum crankcase and water falls into the hot engine oil in the sump. This creates a moist tropical zone inside your engine.  Imagine turning your engine inside out on the beach of the Gulf of Mexico.”

Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
Source:  Continental Tips on Engine Care

Airplane Caretaker specializes in…

PA-32-301T (Turbo Saratoga)
PA-32R-300 (Retract/Lance)
PA-32-300 (Cherokee Six 300)
PA-28-235 (Cherokee 235)
PA-28-180 (Cherokee/Archer)

TR182 (Turbo Skylane RG)
T182T G1000 (Turbo Skylane)
182 Analog & G1000 (Skylane)
172 Analog & G1000 (Skyhawk)

Cirrus SR20 G1000

…and more!

Commemorative Air Force
Airbase Arizona

Are you a member of the Commemorative Air Force? Save 10% on Airplane Caretaker Annual Membership. Savings extended to all Commemorative Air Force Airbases, Wings, Squadron members, colonels, and annual pass holders.

Not a member yet? Consider joining this exceptional organization to help educate future generations and “Keep ’em flying!”